Glenn's Sermons
Confronting the Culture – A Sermon by Glenn Meldrum
This is a challenging sermon on how the church is to be confronting the culture we live in with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Listen NowTruth Has Fallen
Truth has fallen in the streets of our nation, in the homes and even in many churches. Learn why this is happening and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. This is a very important message for our day. I posted this sermon because I was preaching in the Netherlands when the podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.
Listen NowIt is Finished
The last thing Jesus said before He died on the cross was "It is Finished." This sermon is an examination into what Jesus meant by that statement. It's a powerful truth that can profoundly impact our lives if we let it. I posted this sermon in place of the regular teaching we have been doing on the Book of Acts because I was ministering in the Netherlands at the time this podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.
Listen NowChurch Triumphant
This sermon by Glenn Meldrum comes out of Revelation 12 verses 11 and 17. He effectively lays out the spiritual battle that Christians face and some of the foremost reasons why Christians live defeated lives. He then unfolds the means of victory that is freely available to any believer that is willing to fight this good fight of faith. Pastors requesting information about IHP Ministries receive this message as an introduction to Glenn Meldrum's ministry.
Listen NowDevoted
Glenn Meldrum, in this sermon, presses home what it means to be truly devoted to Jesus. The compromise the American church is living is a far cry from the faith Jesus founded 2000 years ago. By looking at the life of the early church Glenn presents the beauty and power of Biblical Christianity that is available for true saints to live today.
Listen NowUnveiled
The glorious mystery of the indwelling Christ is the subject of this sermon by Glenn Meldrum. You will laugh and cry as you listen to this dynamic message. Most importantly, you will learn how to let Christ be unveiled in you. Jesus did not found a defeated faith. Yet the faith He calls us to live is impossible unless He lives in and through us. What a privilege that Jesus would make His home in the hearts of repentant sinners.
Listen NowTime for War
This sermon comes out of Psalms 144:1-5. Glenn addresses the fact that every Christian is in a spiritual war whether they like it or not. We will either live the victorious Christian life or that of a defeated individual. In this message you will learn how to walk in the victory Jesus purchased for us and that David poetically portrays.
Listen NowI Know You
In this soul searching message by Glenn Meldrum you will be confronted by the fact that God knows you. Using Revelation chapters two and three he addresses the problem we so often have--that we do not know ourselves. This is why we are in desperate need of the Holy Spirit searching our hearts so we can know what is deep inside of us. Without this divine searching we will remain in our sins. Because God knows and loves us perfectly He convicts us so we would know the eternal joy of dwelling with Him.
Listen NowJosiah’s Reform
King Josiah's reformation is the topic of Glenn's sermon. In this message you will learn what brought revival to Judah in the days of this godly king. The reason is clear and if we will learn from this historical revival we can prepare the way for God to bring revival to us. This is not a message for those who want a lukewarm faith. But for those who yearn for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit there are some wonderful truths presented here for your gleaning and fruitful application.
Listen NowLiving Sacrifice
In this simple, yet powerful sermon Glenn expounds upon Romans 12:1-2. You will learn about the power of surrender, what it means not to be conformed to the world and how we experience the renewing of our minds. With the application of these truths to the life we are sure to know God's good and pleasing will. This is practical Christianity that can be revolutionary to the individual.
Listen NowSpiritual Leadership
In this message on leadership Glenn address some of the issues ignored in the pop church growth books. The Bible is the Christian's handbook on what leadership means, not the secular business world. A good leader first and foremost must be a person of godly character. A leader that does not have godly character destroys lives. We can only give what we are and what we possess. A spiritual man will give from the wealth he has received from God, a carnal man can only give out of the flesh. This sermon will present the power that a Pentecostal leader should really possess.
Listen NowBasics of Revival
In this teaching by Glenn Meldrum you will learn some of the basic truths about authentic revival. With a very practical approach that comes out of sound Biblical study and personal experience you will learn valuable truths that you can apply to your life.
Listen NowCharacter Matters
Your heart will be stirred in this teaching by Glenn Meldrum. You will learn the importance of godly character, what it is and how to mature in Christ. Proof of spiritual maturity is always revealed in the quality of our character, not in our gifts, talents or years we claim to have been a Christian. Be challenged to be more like Jesus.
Listen NowDesperate for Change
Glenn Meldrum preaches a powerful message on being desperate for change. There is no hope of change for those who do not want to change. Many who claim they want to change are not desperate to take the path marked out in Scripture that always leads to victory. When people who call themselves Christian live defeated lives it is because they do not want to live out the truths of God's Word. Learn the practical means to be an overcomer through Jesus.
Listen NowDry Land
Preached at an urban church, Glenn confronted the spiritual barrenness of the people and called them to repent and renew their relationship with Jesus.
Listen NowExtravagant Love
Mark 14:1-11 is the text from which Glenn preaches. This message is about Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet and the costliness of true faith. Our anemic version of American Christianity that is a plague upon the church knows little to nothing of extravagant love—the love that brings joy to Jesus. Listen to this message if you want to learn how to love Jesus more; avoid if you don’t.
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