In His Presence Ministries

Gospel of Luke

Gospel of Luke Part 6 – 3:5-7

In this lesson we will finish studying the prophesy that Luke quotes from Isaiah 40 that was fulfilled in John the Baptist. There is a second way this prophesy is fulfilled and that is for God’s people to put into action what the prophesy teaches. We also started looking at the beginning of John’s sermon and it was a fiery one that’s worth knowing and understanding. Enjoy!

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Gospel of Luke Part 5 – 3:4-5

In this lesson we will begin examining the message of John the Baptizer. His message is summarized in Isaiah 40 that is a prophesy about the one who would prepare the way for Messiah. Luke quotes this prophesy in chapter three, verses three through six. The prize of this prophesy is the promise that if we will prepare the way, then God will to come to us and we can freely go to Him. What it means to prepare the way is an important part of this stirring lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 4 – 2:51-3:4

In verses 51 and 52 of the second chapter of Luke we will study such subjects as why Jesus was called a Nazarene and what it means that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart.” Then in the first two verses of chapter three we will examine the introduction to John the Baptist’s ministry. In verses three and four we will learn why John the Baptizer was so important to preparing the way for Jesus to become our atoning sacrifice.

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Gospel of Luke Part 2 – 1:1-4; 2:40

In part two of our new series on the Gospel of Luke we will dig into a couple of more introductory ideas about the author and the book. Then we will examine the first four verses that are an introduction to the work that addressed to a Roman government official. We will then jump over to the second chapter and study verse 40. We are skipping the story of Christ’s birth so that we can return to it as we get near the Christmas season.

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