In His Presence Ministries

Gospel of Luke

Gospel of Luke Part 55 – 10:25-31

We will begin studying a new account in Luke which is about an expert in the Mosaic Law that tried to entrap Jesus. The Lord turned the table on the lawyer and forced him to answer a question Jesus presented to him. This is a challenging exchange that teaches some important truths on what it means to follow Jesus. This interaction leads into the Parable of the Good Samaritan that we will begin examining at the end of this lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 51 – 9:51-57

As Jesus was passing through Samaria He was rejected by a village. James and John were so angry they wanted Jesus to call down fire on them and consume the entire village. This is an interesting account that exposes the anger and prejudice that can be us and that we must get victory over it. This account leads into the next event where Jesus had a brief conversation with three men. We will only begin looking at this account. There is some good stuff in this study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 49 – 9:37-45

The account we will study in this lesson happened right after Christ’s transfiguration when He came out of the mountain with Peter, James and John. The disciples not could cast the demon out of a boy, so the father waited for Jesus to return, not knowing how long that would be. When Jesus returned to the disciples camp, He was immediately plunged into ministering to the people. That’s when the desperate man begged Jesus to cast the demon out of the boy, and that is what Jesus did.

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Gospel of Luke Part 45 – 9:4-17

The topics of this lesson has to do with what Jesus taught the 12 apostles before He sent them out to minister and what happens after they return. Jesus wanted time to be alone with His disciples to prepare them for the time when He would be taken from them. He also had another agenda, which was to draw 20,000 people into the wilderness near Bethsaida so He could miraculously feed them. Here was another event where Jesus proved His divinity.

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Gospel of Luke Part 34 – 6:39-49

Jesus said in Luke 6:39, “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” What does it mean to be spiritually blind and what are the consequences? Equally as much, what does it mean to have spiritual eyes to see the truth and to know Him Who is the Truth? We will dig into these questions and others besides as we study the last eleven verses of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

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