In His Presence Ministries

Author name: Glenn Meldrum

Character Matters

Your heart will be stirred in this teaching by Glenn Meldrum. You will learn the importance of godly character, what it is and how to mature in Christ. Proof of spiritual maturity is always revealed in the quality of our character, not in our gifts, talents or years we claim to have been a Christian. Be challenged to be more like Jesus.

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Everyman’s War

Whether we like it or not, or for that matter, even acknowledge it or not, there is a spiritual war raging all around us at this very moment. This war is no less real then those that nations fight. The implications of natural war are temporal, nations either rise or fall. However, the consequences of

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Fasting Part 2 – Show Me Your Glory by Glenn and Jessica Meldrum

Prayer and fasting are indispensable disciplines that believers must restore to their rightful place in faith and practice. Both of these disciplines are some of the basic expectations that Jesus established for every believer, not just a select few. The motive behind prayer and fasting, though, decides whether or not they are acceptable to God.

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Desperate for Change

Glenn Meldrum preaches a powerful message on being desperate for change. There is no hope of change for those who do not want to change. Many who claim they want to change are not desperate to take the path marked out in Scripture that always leads to victory. When people who call themselves Christian live defeated lives it is because they do not want to live out the truths of God’s Word. Learn the practical means to be an overcomer through Jesus.

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Extravagant Love

Mark 14:1-11 is the text from which Glenn preaches. This message is about Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet and the costliness of true faith. Our anemic version of American Christianity that is a plague upon the church knows little to nothing of extravagant love—the love that brings joy to Jesus. Listen to this message if you want to learn how to love Jesus more; avoid if you don’t.

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Freedom of God

Glenn Meldrum, preaching more as a pastor rather than an evangelist, presents the wonder that God is the only free Being that there is. We, as creatures, are totally dependent upon Him whether we like it or not and whether we acknowledge it or not. Learn what this divine attribute means to the human race and specifically to believers.

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God is not Safe

Take a walk with Glenn in this sermon as he outlines how the True and Living God is not safe. We are so prone to reduce God in our minds to a being only slightly greater than we are. We do this to our own loss, for the Lord Almighty is more than able to save mankind. The real question is, do we really want saving? Do we really want to overcome the sin we have loved for so long? In this sermon you will find how to live the victorious Christian life.

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Lies of Tolerance

One evening while ministering in Vermont I saw a commercial aired during the evening news. It was filled with children and teens pleading with the viewers to be tolerant with those of different races, religions and lifestyle choices. They sounded so sincere, so guileless. The message was simple and appealing. Their statements held a certain

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Lost Control

This sermons by Glenn Meldrum examines the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-14. The primary problem we face as humans is that we are control freaks, terrified not to be the boss of our own destinies. Through the suffering of this woman and her aggressive pursuit of Jesus we learn the necessity of giving up the control to Jesus. This is all about surrender, which is one of the hardest things we will ever learn to do. If we really want to know Christ then surrender is not a one time act or that which is done in moments of crisis, but the pursuit of our lives.

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Mercenary Christians

This message will disturb you. It was preached at an inner-city church where Glenn confronted the welfare, entitlement mentality that is a plague to the entire church. We want a handout from God, a faith that does not cost us. But the true faith is costly. In fact, it will cost you everything. In Acts 8:9-24 Glenn examines Simon, the epitome of a mercenary Christian who, in essence, sells himself to the highest bidder. Rebuked for his gross sin he is commanded to repent. A costly faith is the only true faith. It cost Jesus everything to give and the grace of God demands that it costs us everything to receive. Listen to this sermons and let Jesus transform your life.

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Most Excellent Way

Using Paul’s teaching on love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Glenn confronts the humanistic love that has defined the human race since Adam’s fall. Paul exquisitely defined the primary components of humanistic love and by doing so was able to define true love as defined by God. Why do marriages break down? Why are there church fights? Why are many people repulsed by some people who call themselves Christian? Because we live out a selfish, humanistic love that is destructive. Learn what true love is according to God’s definition and how we can live that out through God’s grace.

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Obedience is mandatory for anyone who claims to be a real Christian. Glenn presses this idea home in this sermon by pointing out that from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation obedience is a nonnegotiable part of the faith. Disobedience brings judgment, obedience God blessing, the greatest of which is His nearness. Listen to this message on your knees and cry out to God to help you learn the joy of obeying our good and loving God.

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Thou Shalt Not Whine

Once I received a gift from a friend that was meant as joke. It became one those gifts that keeps on giving, but not the way you normally would think. The gift was a small tapestry quoting what some humorously call the eleventh commandment, “Thou shalt not whine.” I decided to temporarily hang it in

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Throne of Grace

Divine grace and the lordship of Christ are spiritual realities intricately interwoven to reveal a portion of the awe inspiring tapestry of the magnificence of God and His gift of salvation. The Hebrew writer penned, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to

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This sermon by Glenn will shake you. No watered down, wimpy message here. This is for those who want to be more than a conqueror, not for those who love and practice sin. Glenn will reveal how sin is the worst parasite that feeds upon the entirety of our lives. By contrasting Judas with Peter you will learn how both men sinned, but how one found victory through repentance and the other refusing the gift of repentance died in his sin and went to hell. Don’t let the parasite of sin be your ruin.

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In each of our lives there are voices calling to us; demanding our attention, competing for our interests, luring our affections.  These voices come from within and without.  They are everywhere—in the city and country, among the rich and poor, the educated and uneducated, the young and old.  Relentlessly they tug and pull at us,

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Radical Christianity

Since Jesus is radical, Biblical Christianity is radical. Glenn, addressing this issue, demonstrates that the faith Jesus gave the church is revolutionary in nature, not with the violence of the world, but through the laying down of our lives that others might be saved. There is a cost to discipleship. If we will not pay the price, then we cannot be His disciple. By listening to this message you will learn what it means to be a true Christian.

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